24th June 2020

Introducing ETZ Payroll: The missing link in the back office software stack

ETZ News

Say “Hello” to ETZ Payroll!

ETZ is pleased to be able to announce the launch of our payroll service add-on to our leading back office solution.
ETZ Payroll is intuitive, with a modern interface that is a joy to use. It provides deep functionality, with payroll-specific features designed for the job. Coupled with these benefits, it is also truly compelling in the way it saves time with automation, making room for other tasks.
Our payroll functionality provides exceptional features. This is in keeping with the design ethos that makes the rest of ETZ a hit with agency back office teams.
This allows recruitment agencies to inch ever closer to the ideal of having an end-to-end, one stop back office technology solution that maximises efficiency.

Powerful features just for UK payroll

ETZ Payroll is ideal for recruitment agencies supplying staff to UK hirers.  Enhancements to help UK staffing businesses get payroll done include CIS support and support for the tax arrangements of England, Scotland and Wales.
As you would expect, reporting includes statutory formats such as P30 and P11 and the entire feature set coordinates beautifully to deliver a painless end-of-year experience. Our payroll integrates with accounting packages to automate and simplify your monthlies.
Further increasing its relevance to recruitment firms, there’s features to support umbrella company operations and pension management to help organise dealing with multiple schemes and arrangements.

Take the pain out of payroll with ETZ

ETZ Payroll delivers all the benefits of the cloud that you have come to expect. This includes growing effortlessly with your agency as demand increases and empowering your back office team to work safely from home in these pandemic times.
Payroll doesn’t have to be a pain. To find out more about how ETZ Payroll helps UK recruitment agencies to offload the burden, save time and costs and get staffing agency payments done with flawless accuracy, simply contact us today. Call us on 0800 311 2266 or book a demo.
Find out more about ETZ Payroll here.

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