Take the time out of timesheets

ETZ provides recruitment agencies with back-office solutions to improve your timesheet management and processing with ease. Trusted by recruitment agencies across the globe, discover ETZ’s powerful timesheet features and how it can work for your recruitment agency.


Accept timesheets in any format

Online, offline, typed, handwritten, scanned, faxed, photo, imported from client systems or barcoded timesheets. It’s easy to submit and process timesheets in any format.

Enforce contract terms with rules-based timesheets

Set rules to configure candidate or contractor accounts so timesheets match contract terms such as hours worked, overtime or holiday time.

See and chase overdue timesheets with ease

Get a real-time view of overdue timesheets which lets you chase a single timesheet or a hundred with one single click, sent out via a text and email.

Easily create an invoice from a timesheet

Email accurately calculated invoices straight to your client with attached copies of signed timesheets, fully integrated with accounting systems.

Accept timesheets in any format

Accept timesheets in any format

With ETZ’s online timesheets, candidates and consultants can submit timesheets online, scanned or handwritten and faxed. Timesheets not submitted? Chase in one go via email or SMS. Timesheets fall out of the contract? Automatically rejected before it reaches the agency.

Our timesheet templates can easily be scanned or entered into ETZ Timesheets too.


Save up to 85% of the time it takes to process timesheets

Save up to 85% of the time it takes to process timesheets

How long does it take to review recruitment timesheets, collate them and match to an invoice? What about dealing with illegible timesheets or the time spent chasing timesheets? ETZ’s recruitment timesheet software does all of this for you and more as part of your back office solution.


Track time accurately

Track time accurately

Easily track time and submit timesheets for processing with our powerful features. Accurately track hours with different configurable rules for hours worked, overtime or holiday time. Making it simple to match hours submitted with contract terms. Ensuring all hours are accurately tracked and processed.


What our customers say about ETZ

"Overall ETZ improves my ability to focus on our key business needs. The real value of working with ETZ can best be summed up as saving time, better efficiency, and improved accuracy."
Vishal Gandhi Intuition IT
“ETZ has made it frictionless to manage our contractors across our all of our brands, both international and local."
Lizziey Wright Kernel
Managing our timesheet process through the ETZ platform has been a seamless and efficient experience for the last 6 years. The system itself is user-friendly and reliable, but what truly stands out is the incredible...
Natasha Evans, Commercial Director Clive Henry Group (Woodrow Mercer Healthcare)

Explore more ETZ products

ETZ provides a full stack of software for recruitment agencies.


ETZ Invoices

ETZ Invoices

Improve cash flow and get paid faster. Send 1,000 invoices with one click.


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ETZ Reporting

ETZ Reporting

Dive deeper to get greater intelligence from your recruitment business software.


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ETZ Comply

ETZ Comply

Boost your onboarding performance and candidate compliance.


Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ETZ Timesheets?
ETZ timesheets is timesheet management software designed for recruitment agencies, it’s available as part of ETZ’s recruitment tech stack.

What format can we submit timesheets in?
Online, offline, typed, handwritten, scanned, faxed, photo, imported from client systems or barcoded timesheets. It’s easy to submit and process timesheets in any format. Manual timesheets using our free timesheet templates can easily be entered into ETZ.

Is it possible to see when a timesheet was signed/received/validated?
Yes, you can look at the timesheet history to find out more information about each timesheet.

Can I amend a processed timesheet?
Yes it is possible to amend a timesheet on ETZ at any stage of the process, but you should always consider whether it is appropriate to do so.

Can we integrate with our existing software?
Yes, we partner with some of the most popular software. Find out more here.

Can we create custom timesheets per account?
Yes, you can set up different templates and rules for each of your candidate or client accounts.

Can we use multiple currencies for different timesheets?
Yes, timesheets hours can be submitted and billed in any currency.


See what ETZ could do for your agency with an online demo

Save hassle, time and money with our powerful software.

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