15th August 2022

It’s not only everyone else… recruiters get burned out too!


Exhaustion… Resignation… The Great What Comes Next?

Those responsible for the naming convention of job market trends may need to be a little bit more creative in their thinking. Simply sticking ‘great’ in front of everything is not that, well… great, is it?

The phenomenon of exhausted employees resigning is widely attributed to the anxieties and complexities of living and working during the pandemic. Curiously enough, WFH (work from home), widely credited as being a life-saver for many businesses and workers, has proved to be emotionally challenging.

Where there are no clear boundaries to help separate work from home life, juggling business with domestic stresses has undermined mental and physical wellbeing.

Covid may currently be in the descendancy, but its effects cast a long shadow. One of these is the economic impact caused by the failure to keep up with increased demand. The inability to meet the spike in demand created by the ending of pandemic restrictions has forced prices up.

One of the starkest examples of supply and demand being out of step is the travel industry, where there has been significant disruption to summer holidays across Europe as airports and airlines struggle to replace resources that was let go or that moved on.

The conflict in Ukraine has impacted the supply of energy, grain and sunflower oil, fuelling market volatility and forcing prices up. Controlling this inflationary pressure is forcing central banks to put interest rates up.

The net result is people in all walks of life are experiencing burnout as they reel from a series of successive blows that are undermining mental health and physical wellbeing. This includes recruiters – both those working as HR practitioners within personnel departments as well as those working in agencies to fill permanent, contract and freelance temporary vacancies.

The Great Vacancy…!

In what might be called ‘The Great Job Vacancy Gap’, in the UK and Australia as well as many other economies, there are currently record numbers of unfilled roles. Although it is too late to help retain those that may have already resigned, addressing burnout is one way to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Identified and defined in the 1970s by US Psychologist Herbert Freudenberger, the key symptoms of burnout are a loss of motivation, emotional depletion and cynicism due to work-related stress.

For agency principles, or those responsible for managing recruitment teams, it is useful to be able to recognise the symptoms of burnout that may be indications of mental and physical health impacts that may lead to increasing levels of absenteeism and, eventually, resignation.

Recognising the signs of burnout

Some tactics for heading off recruiter burnout

Recruiters are more aware than most about the underlying issues behind the trends we are seeing in today’s job market. With the talent gap creating pressure on agency recruiters to perform, some might be showing signs of burnout. Some useful ways of helping to prevent burnout include:

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