12th September 2019

17.9 million Brits believe the future of work will be flexible

17.9 million Brits believe the future of work will be flexible Recruitment

The revolution of flexible working is well underway, as 17.9 million UK workers believe that it will become the most popular method of working in the future. This is reflected in research conducted by ETZ, which evidences that 35% of Brits would rather have flexible working options than a pay rise. This means that 10.6 million people are favouring having an improved work/play lifestyle over a larger income.
Furthermore, an additional 7.1 million UK workers have already switched to working freelance, ditching the 9-5 regime, and are reported to be feeling happier as a consequence. Flexible working is therefore gaining momentum as a way of living, and happiness is becoming an outspoken priority in people’s lives.
However, this ambition is not yet matched by employers. Due to unpredictable payment strategies, there are 12.6 million Brits who have resisted converting from a 9-5 job to working flexibly. These people might value a healthy work/play lifestyle over an increased salary, but fear the risks of freelance payments. Nick Woodward, CEO of ETZ, urges Recruiters and HR departments to “move with this demand and offer flexible working for employees. It is equally important that they have payment systems in place that can deal with flexible and freelance workers, as many HR departments fear freelancers due to the numerous invoices and timesheets that come with hiring freelance workers. These can be avoided with the right timesheet software.”
Therefore, “the right timesheet software” could be the answer for the 47% of Brits who would convert from 9-5 to working flexibly if they knew that they would get paid regularly. Many Recruiters and HR departments currently lack the technological systems that need to be in place in order to encourage a workforce of freelancers to thrive. With the use of this software, companies can benefit from employing the 48% of middle class workers who state that flexible hours are the most important thing when choosing a job.
The biggest problem for freelancers, the majority of whom have chosen this working method for its flexible hours, is the difficulty they face of managing their income. Without efficient payment methods such as ETZ’s software, their monthly incomes could fluctuate so much that it becomes impossible to set a budget. This has consequences on their daily lifestyle, as they may struggle to afford holidays, saving up to move home, or attending a wedding – the very things that make up the work/play lifestyle they initially sought. ETZ Payment’s 60-second solution can put an end to all these complications. With a software that can pay the freelancer as immediately as they desire, and eases the process for clients’ HR departments, employees and employers alike would be remiss not to reap the benefits of this system.
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