6th February 2023

As AI becomes more influential in RecTech, make sure ETZ is part of your software stack


Extraordinary potential of artificial intelligence speech and text recognition

One of the biggest buzzes in the world of tech over the past few months has centred on the emergence of the next-generation of artificial intelligence Natural Language Processing (AI NLP) chatbots. 

The extraordinary potential for this type of speech and text recognition technology has been clear for all to see that have actually participated in public testing through platforms, such as the free research preview offered by ChatGPT.

This has seen millions of people register to engage with the technology and put it through its paces. It has proved to be especially popular amongst a variety of interested parties, including:

Although OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been grabbing the headlines, it is not alone, and amongst other projects offering similar AI NLP capabilities are LaMBDA from Google, and XLNet – developed by Carnegie Mellon University and Google AI.

AI and NLP-powered capabilities in RecTech

These advanced speech and text recognition projects have brought the world of recruitment business software to the edge of a new beginning, where RecTech apps are going to be increasingly integrating more sophisticated NLP AI-powered capabilities.

This will be especially felt in recruitment search and selection processes where recruiters use AI-powered features to do more of the heavy lifting, the time-consuming, labour intensive and often repetitive processes. Some of the most likely areas where the impact is going to be felt includes:

Supporting AI powered search and selection with back office efficiency

Whatever technology tools recruiters use to boost their search and selection activities, it is important not to overlook the need for back office efficiency. The productivity and efficiency gains that AI-powered search and selection may provide can be let down by inefficient back office processes. 

Including ETZ software as part of your RecTech stack takes care of the heavy lifting on the administrative side of agency operations:

AI powered search and selection catching up on ETZ back office efficiency

ETZ is a proven technology. The automation features of ETZ RecTech tools are leaders in efficiency and have paved the way for the emergence of the sophisticated search and selection tools that are emerging to power the front side of agency operations. 

In some ways you could say that AI-powered search and selection is going to enable agency front side operations to catch up with the back office efficiency already enjoyed by ETZ’s customers.ETZ’s complementary solutions give agencies the capability to streamline and uncover opportunities. To find out more call us on 0800 311 2266 or book a demo.


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