3rd September 2018

Nick Woodward returns to lead ETZ full time alongside newly-appointed COO


We are delighted to welcome back our founder, Nick Woodward, to the full time helm, to spearhead exciting tech developments for recruitment agencies.
Woodward started ETZ from his kitchen table in 2000, turning his tiny tech start-up into a globally successful business, which has helped many of the UK’s leading recruitment agencies to manage their back-office operations more efficiently and cost-effectively.
After stepping back to pursue other technology projects, Nick – who has acted as ETZ’s Executive Chairman since June 2017 – is now working full-time for the business, and will lead ETZ’s day-to-day operations as the company undertakes exciting new projects.
Nick Woodward says: “ETZ has been a passion project for me since day one, so I’m delighted to be getting more involved in the company’s daily progress once again. We have put a great deal of work into helping recruitment agencies join up their back-office, and I’m excited to continue this journey with ETZ’s highly skilled team. We have a lot of exciting new ideas in the pipeline and I can’t wait to roll them out over the next year or two.”
Nick will be joined by ETZ’s newly-promoted COO, Casey Simmons, who brings a wealth of recruitment industry experience to the position. Casey joined ETZ in 2017 as Account Manager, having spent nearly a decade working in recruiter and recruitment operation roles across the business support, sales & marketing and IT sectors.
Casey Simmons adds: “Having worked in many roles across the recruitment industry, I have seen first-hand the challenges that agencies face, and I am delighted to bring that knowledge to my new role as COO. I’m looking forward to working with Nick and the team on new features and functions that will help recruitment businesses to save even more time and money.”
ETZ’s personnel updates follow the company’s launch of Startup 20/20, a startup version of its recruitment back-office software. This new package offers startup recruitment agencies the opportunity to improve the way they run their agency operations, at an affordable cost.

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