22nd May 2024

Twelve of the best: A dozen ways ETZ boosts productivity, squeezes costs and uplifts profits


Beyond accurate billing and timely payroll

Automated time tracking with ETZ’s timesheet solution reduces manual administrative workload, allowing contractors, temps, and line managers to concentrate on core responsibilities. This efficiency improves overall productivity and reduces the likelihood of errors in administrative tasks.

However, streamlining the process of accurately tracking time within a timesheet solution tends to look at the advantages from the perspective of recruitment agencies for accurately billing their clients and ensuring timely payroll.

If we take a wider perspective, there is much more beneath the surface. A good timesheet solution provides the raw data from which useful reports and analytics can be obtained.

Depending on the sector or niche, this helps agencies maximize the value of ETZ’s timesheet solution and deliver much greater value to their clients through specific points of business intelligence.

With ETZ recruiters use timesheet data to obtain BI and deliver greater value to their clients.

12 ways to boost productivity, squeeze costs, and uplift profits

1. Accurately track time

Timesheet tools ensure precise monitoring of work hours, minimising revenue loss by capturing every billable minute. This accuracy enhances billing practices, ensuring clients are billed correctly and employees receive their agreed compensation.

2. Identify wasted time

Identifying tasks consuming time without making a reciprocal contribution maximises efficiency in line with a project or an organisation’s goals. This insight aids in task prioritisation, streamlining processes and optimising resource allocation for enhanced productivity.

3. Better allocation of resources

Insight from timesheet data enables managers to allocate resources more effectively. Typically, this allows workloads to be tailored based on individual strengths and availability. This enables an optimised workload distribution, enhancing team productivity and project outcomes.

4. Monitor project progress

Where project-based work is involved, monitoring progress from the greenlight by tracking task hours allows bottlenecks to be solved early on, keeping projects on schedule and within scope. This proactive approach ensures timely delivery and client satisfaction.

5. Invoice and payroll accuracy

Streamline invoicing and payroll processes with accurate time tracking, ensuring clients are billed correctly and employees receive fair compensation for their work. This precision minimises disputes and strengthens client relationships.

6. Better project time estimates

Utilising historical timesheet data allows for greater confidence in estimating the requirements of future projects, improving accuracy and minimising the risk of cost and timeline overruns. This foresight facilitates better project planning and resource allocation for improved project outcomes.

7. Greater individual accountability

Accurate timesheets provide absolute transparency into individual productivity, creating absolute accountability for each team member or employee. Such transparency can be used to promote a culture of responsibility and excellence within teams or across a business.

8. Improved decision-making

Comprehensively detailed time reports are the foundation for data-driven decision-making on resource allocation, task prioritisation, and project management strategies. This insight improves decision-making, leading to greater efficiency and more effective outcomes.

9. Compliance and regulation

Accurate timesheet data allow businesses to maintain compliance with employment law and industry regulations in respect of working hours, breaks, and overtime. Audit timesheet data to demonstrate adherence to regulations that support workers’ rights.

10. Focus on revenue generation

Timesheets let businesses clearly identify billable hours and focus their efforts on revenue-generating activities. For service-oriented businesses, this is a strategic approach that uplifts revenue streams, maximises profitability, and strengthens the financial health of the business.

11. Project team member CPD

Analysing employee productivity through timesheets may help to identify training needs. This enables planning for continuous learning and development to support professional growth. This is a data-driven approach that delivers greater employee value to the business.

12. Better profitability analysis

Tracking time spent on each client and project provides the analytics to determine the most profitable projects or tasks, guiding future business strategies to power sustainable growth. This analysis informs strategic decisions and maximises profitability in business operations.

Recruitment agencies deliver better value with ETZ

Beyond simplifying recruitment agency back office admin, a wide range of benefits arise from ETZ timesheet data. Powerful analytics deliver insight in the form of business intelligence that enables agencies to deliver much greater value to their clients.

ETZ’s leading recruitment back office software solution streamlines the back office processing of your recruitment agency. Our complementary solutions to our leading timesheet and invoicing solution, are ETZ Comply for onboarding and document management, and Caspian for business intelligence. These give agencies further capability to streamline and uncover opportunities.

To find out more call us on 0800 311 2266 or book a demo.

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